For The Greater Good: Mondelēz International Chairman & CEO Dirk Van de Put

Aug 24, 2022

In this week's For the Greater Good podcast episode, IGA CEO John Ross speaks with Mondelēz International Chairman and CEO Dirk Van de Put about his company's sustainability efforts and those of the greater consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry. Watch the video below or listen via your preferred podcast platform to learn more about Van de Put's commitment to sustainability in the snacking industry and his surprising professional background.


Key Takeaways:

  • Mondelēz is part of the Consumer Goods Forum and its coalitions of action like the Global Food Safety Initiative.
  • Mondelēz has set a goal to have a 100% sustainably sourced supply chain for cocoa and wheat. Van de Put shares the current barriers they are facing in reaching that goal.
  • Mondelēz is aiming for net zero carbon and net zero food waste.
  • The importance of creating food packaging that can be recycled and then ensuring that they are in fact getting recycled.

The podcast is available for download on Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon, and Podbean

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