Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
IGA retailers should have received a letter from IGA CEO John Ross this week regarding our Retailer Engagement Initiative. In case you missed it, here's the letter detailing this program, which gives you your very own dedicated IGA representative to talk to about new programs, ask questions, and more.
First, let me begin by saying thank you for the incredible job you and your fellow IGA retailers have done navigating this pandemic—all of us at IGA are so proud of the way you are serving your community safely and effectively.
Even without the effects of a global pandemic, our world is more complicated and challenging than ever before. New technology, changing shopper behavior, and more aggressive competitors force us to learn and adapt every day. COVID-19 has just made everything harder.
IGA has tracked these trends and we are working hard to improve our services, offering new technology to help you succeed. The good news is that with all these new services, you get a lot more out of your IGA membership. The bad news—the more we have to offer, the harder it is to communicate with retailers all the cool new tools they can use.
That’s why we are improving our customer service efforts by assigning you your very own dedicated IGA representative.
This is a new IGA corporate contact you can turn to when you have questions that need answers, and who will reach out to you from time to time to via phone and email to see how you’re doing.
And of course, we want to make sure you know about all the new resources available to you as an IGA member, the vast majority of which are free!
I think this will be great for our IGA owners, but It will be great for our corporate team members, too. Every time a corporate person can learn a little bit more, understand a little bit better what it is like in the stores, they get stronger, better informed, more valuable. I appreciate your taking the time to get to know your new IGA rep and to help them learn what you need so we can serve you better.
Over the next couple of weeks your IGA contact will be reaching out for the first time to make introductions, ask a few questions about your needs, and help you learn about the newest initiatives at IGA.
Thank you again for all you’re doing, and we look forward to building a long-term, lasting relationship with you and your team.
John Ross
8745 West Higgins Road
Ste: 350
Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: (773) 693-4520
Fax: (773) 693-4533
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